Just Be
Whenever we would be driving long distances with our kids, we would limit screens and devices. Inevitably, every single time there would be an eruption of complaints. Even though we remained consistent on our road trip rules, the ever-wondering question would be raised, “What else are we supposed to do?” The answer was always, “We are going to just be.” This response wasn’t always a well-loved answer, especially at first, but slowly and surely, it was accepted that, in our family, that meant just being with each other: Engaging in conversation, lifting our eyes from all the other distractions around us and looking outside; reminding us of where we came from, looking ahead to where we are going and taking in where we are in that exact moment.
How often do we need someone to remind us to “just be.”? The world we live in is loud and distracting and often can cause us to miss the beauty around us. Many of our distractions come from within us. Our inner dialogue that, for some, never seems to shut off. The brokenness of life, the frailty of human relationships, addictions, grief, financial uncertainties, and so much more seem to keep us with our heads down and distracted. In the middle of being bombarded by life, it is inevitably hard to hear God’s sometimes still small voice or see Him at work in the world around us.
In Psalm 46:10, God tells us to “be still” and know that I am God. In fact, the Passion Translation added the words “Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God.”
Friends, God isn’t just bragging here, “Well, look at me. I’m God; I can do whatever I want” No, he is saying, “Child, all you have to do is be still and, in your stillness, remember that I am God and nothing is impossible for me.” He asks us to surrender the mental madness we tend to walk around with. You know, the constant live real of “what ifs” and “yeah, buts.” When we can purposely make time to just be with God our Father, tune out the world’s noise, and turn down the noise in our minds, I truly believe the narrative in our minds will change. Our “What if I’s…” become “What if GOD….“
Does any of this sound familiar?
What if I lose my job? Well, What if God has a better plan for me!
What if I end up alone? Well, what if God wants you to experience a love in Him that compares to NO other.
What if I completely make a mess of my life? Well, what if God wants to give you all the tools you need to succeed and live in freedom.
Yeah, but I’m scared. Yeah, But God has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of power and love and a sound mind.
Yeah, but I am so tired; how do I go on? Yeah, but God invites us to come to him, and he will give us rest.
Yeah, but I am broken beyond repair. Yeah, but God is close to the broken-hearted and promises to save those who are crushed in spirit.
Every possible worry, fret and excuse that swirls around in our minds can be combated with truth from the powerful Word of God.
So, when you are tempted to live life head down, distracted, and anxious, remember to take a moment (or two) to Just Be with God and allow Him to change your life one What if at a time.
Father, we thank you that your Word is Truth and that no matter what kind of crazy circumstances we are finding ourselves in, you long to bring peace into the chaos. Help us to learn the art of just being with You and allowing ourselves to take the time to see all you desperately want for us. We love you! Amen
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